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Christmas Day

Below is the date of Christmas Day on year 2025.

202324 DecSunChristmas EveSabah
202325 DecMonChristmas DayNational
202424 DecTueChristmas EveSabah
202425 DecWedChristmas DayNational
202524 DecWedChristmas EveSabah
202525 DecThuChristmas DayNational

Christmas Eve is the day before the official Christmas Day. It is a public holiday in Sabah. During the night of Christmas Eve, normally there would be party with foods and gifts sharing between friends and families.

Every 25th December is Christmas Day and it is a national holiday in Malaysia. It is a festival celebrated by Christians for the birth of Jesus. Prior and during the event, some of the shopping malls will have decorations and events related to Christmas to celebrate the date together with customers. Besides, some of the Malaysians will have some party for gift exchange although they are not Christian. 

The day after Christmas Day is called Boxing Day which falls on 26th December.